mysql 4.0.x or 4.1.x option


Verified User
Aug 25, 2004
Having moving a server which currently uses mysql 4.0.x I was shocked to see that DA now auto installs 4.1.x without any form of verification from the end user, considering earlier days DA used 4.0.x this is a bad move.

4.1 is not simply a higher version of 4.0, it is a slightly different format and db's can suffer problems when migrating. So I had to manually over the top which wasnt too easy since mysql wasnt installed using the os package system.

To add there could also be options during install asking version of apache.
Your point is well taken by me; we ran into problems and posted about password problems with updates between DA 4.0 and DA 4.1.

As far as apache is concerned, I may be wrong, but my understanding is that DA still officially works with 1.3x, and NOT with 2.x. 2.x, I believe, is a workaround.

"So I had to manually over the top which wasnt too easy since mysql wasnt installed using the os package system." is a typo I was meant to say I had to manually install 4.0 over the top as 4.1 even was causing the port to fail to build without me hacking some files.

You are correct about apache, 2.0 is still beta and 1.3 is still the default but my suggestion was for the future incase directadmin suddenly decide to make 2.0 automatically install on new servers.

On new servers I will probably stick with mysql 4.1 but since the current users are using 4.0 I thought it was wise to not add woes of a mysql version change to my server move.