MySQL 5.6 not in CB 2.0?


Verified User
May 20, 2013
The Hague area, The Netherlands
I just installed Centos 7 and DA, and found out I had to set
to get MySQL installed.

I did, using all the other defaults and started to build:

19:46:00 root@server /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild$ ./build mysql
Incorrect mysql value set in the options.conf file. Set: 5.6. Available values: 5.5.

The 5.6 is the default. Other options.conf settings for MySQL are:

#MySQL Settings

I guess 5.6 is not available yet? Or has this something to do with my OS or other settings?
CentOS7 uses MariaDB, and not MySQL. There is no 5.6 version of MariaDB, that's why it errors :) Only 5.5 is available for now in CB 2.0.
You mean that Custombuild is so smart that it doesn't install MySQL with "build mysql" but tries to install MariaDB?

If thats true I understand why my install failed. Does it also mean that I'm not able to install MySQL with CB 2.0, only MariaDB?

If I change the versionnummer to 5.5 I get MariaDB on my CentOS 7 installed and not MySQL?

It's no problem to have MariaDB instead of MySQL (for me), I just want to understand what's happening....
Martynas Is it a problem to go from MySQL 5.6 to MariaDB 5.5 ?

I'm using MySQL 5.6 now and if I switch to CentOS 7 I need to use MariaDB 5.5
There would be no problems if you transfer accounts to CentOS 7 using Admin Backup/Transfer feature :)
Can DirectAdmin with CustomBuild 2 support MySQL and not MariaDB ?

Jeff, if you'd like to ask about CentOS 7 - yes, it's supported, but not officially (due to the reasons mentioned above). You can install mysql without any problems on CentOS 7 from RPMs. One of the main reasons CB 2.0 does not allow switching is that it's not possible to easily convert from some specific versions of MySQL to MariaDB or vice versa. Is there any reason why you'd like to switch to MySQL on CentOS7?
Neither I nor my marketing expert think the general public is ready to see in a list of webhosting features that we support MariaDB; I think webhoting clients want to see the name MySQL in the features list.

And at least in the US it would be both criminal fraud and a trademark violation to say we're using MySQL if we're not.

So I need to keep MySQL at least into the forseeable future. If I can't get it installed by CustomBuild 2, and I can't get it through yum (for the purpose of automatic updating with automatic dependency checking) then I can't even think of switching to CentOS 7.

Are we the only webhosting company that takes advise from both Marketing experts and attorneys?

It's still MySQL API, SQL server completely compatible with MySQL databases, and the development of MariaDB was started by core members of the original MySQL team. The founder of MySQL is the lead developer of MariaDB. I don't think that saying that you support MySQL databases (when using MariaDB) would be a criminal, would it? It's a drop-in replacement for MySQL, and you can even see "mysql" when you list the version of it :)
[root@test ~]# mysql -V
mysql  Ver 15.1 Distrib 5.5.39-MariaDB, for Linux (x86_64) using readline 5.1
Saying that I support MySQL databases would not be fraud. And according to my attorney (whom I've finally been able to contact; he wasn't available yesterday) it wouldn't be a trademark violation as long as I used the TM mark with it. Here's what the MySQL Website says:
The MySQL™ software delivers a very fast, multi-threaded, multi-user, and robust SQL (Structured Query Language) database server. MySQL Server is intended for mission-critical, heavy-load production systems as well as for embedding into mass-deployed software. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. MySQL is a trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates, and shall not be used by Customer without Oracle's express written authorization. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners
My attorney points out that they likely won't go after those of us who use the trademark as long as we mark it as a trademark, but if you read the quote carefully they reserve the right, and US law gives them the right. Oracle has a reputation of going after users of their Trademarks. They're not near as nice about such use as is for example, Red Hat, and even Red Hat requires that if you use the term Red Hat you must license it and have permission. I believe that even the CentOS website doesn't say they're Red Hat compatible. Instead they say:
CentOS Linux is a community-supported distribution derived from sources freely provided to the public by Red Hat for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). As such, CentOS Linux aims to be functionally compatible with RHEL. The CentOS Project mainly change packages to remove upstream vendor branding and artwork
which isn't quite the same. The language was likely developed with the help of their attorneys.

When CentOS first came some of our clients wanted Red Hat Linux, and we did in fact buy Red Hat licenses until CentOS became well known. Now I'd rather just use MySQL, since it's available under GPL. It may be available in the EPEL repository for CentOS 7; I'm not sure yet because I haven't installed CentOS 7 yet. If it is, and if I can just turn it off in CustomBuild, then I will, and will install it through YUM.


If you switch RPMs manually, CB 2.0 rev. 1048 should have no problems installing MySQL for you :) By the way, Red Hat is the owner of CentOS trademarks, and CentOS head developers work as a part of Red Hat Open Source/Standards team (officially employed by Red Hat). Red Hat sponsors CentOS project officially.
Thanks for your reply, Martyhas. I've been discussing this with John and it appears I may have misunderstood, but I'm glad it's still an option because it will be important to my target market.

Jeff, if you'd like to ask about CentOS 7 - yes, it's supported, but not officially (due to the reasons mentioned above). You can install mysql without any problems on CentOS 7 from RPMs. One of the main reasons CB 2.0 does not allow switching is that it's not possible to easily convert from some specific versions of MySQL to MariaDB or vice versa. Is there any reason why you'd like to switch to MySQL on CentOS7?

I am concerned about MySQL not being available in custombuild on CentOS 7, that is a problem for me. I am running shared hosting servers, and every 3 years I replace my servers with new servers. I will in a few months replace one of my servers with a new server running CentOS 7. That is when the problem start - because I can't have it like running MariaDB on some servers and MySQL on other servers, I need to be able to run the same on all my servers for all my shared hosting clients.

Therfor I need to be able to run MySQL 5.6.x in custombuild 2.0 on CentOS 7. I do not want to install MySQL using yum, because I want the newest version in 5.6.x, so it need to be in custombuild. Then later if I want to convert to MariaDB, it should be my own choice - please don't force me to convert to MariaDB when I replace one of my servers to CentOS 7 - because then some of my customers on some of my servers will be on MySQL, but the customers on my newest servers will be on MariaDB, I need to be on the same on all servers.

Please make a option in custombuild 2.0 on CentOS 7 to allow me to stay on MySQL 5.6.x even when running CentOS 7 - PLEASE continue to support MySQL as a option in custombuild on CentOS 7!
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To clarify, CustomBuild 2.0 can use whatever is already installed.
The related option is one of:
where "yes" would use whatever is already installed, based on:
mysqld -V | grep -c 'MariaDB'
Else, if you use mysql_inst=mysql, it will try and only use mysql (it will error if you have the wrong thing installed). Similiar, you can set it to mysql_inst=mariadb if you only want that.
Really, using "yes" should be all you ever need, as long as you've got what you want already installed.

This means, if you want MySQL, swap out MariaDB for MySQL, and CB2.0 should continue to work with it, allowing you to update to 5.6.
But.. once you go to 5.6, you're locked in (unless you dump the raw sql, wipe the db path & rpms, and re-install to MariaDB).
Same for MariaDB 10.. once you have that, you can't go back to MySQL 5.6, unless you do the full dump/delete/install/restore.

I too was quite leery of MariaDB, as change causes confusion and breaks things. I'm typically hesitant to do so.
However, after I did a bit of digging and testing, I found to have no issues at all and that MariaDB is actually more "MySQL" (historically) than the new MySQL is.
What I mean by that is, MariaDB is MySQL, and is developed by the original MySQL creators.
MySQL was bought by Oracle, so from 5.6+, it's not developed by the original MySQL team, which is why everyone seems to be moving away from it (I'm sure it's fine, but it's a new team of coders)

So in reality, if you want consistency, oddly enough, using MariaDB would be that path, as it is the original MySQL 5.5 code base, and worked on by the original MySQL developers, and MariaDB 10 would have been the natural increment of MySQL, if it were still owned by the same people.
The only thing different is the name.
I would personally be more suspicious of MySQL 5.6, than I would be of MariaDB 10.

In any case, it's not 100% ironed out on how we'll do it, but right now, CentOS 7 will install MariaDB.
If you want MySQL, simply swap out the MariaDB 5.5.x rpms, with the MySQL 5.5.x rpms (as they're essentially the same thing).
Then if you want to move to MySQL 5.6, you can do so normally.

The quick solution to swap MariaDB to MySQL after the CentOS 7 install is done:
cd /root
mkdir mysql
cd mysql
rpm -e `rpm -qa | grep MariaDB`
rpm -Uvh MySQL*.rpm
and you should be up and running.

Be sure you do this as soon as the install is done, just to be sure.
Again 5.5 for MySQL and MariaDB should be the same, so you can in theory do it later, but better sooner than later.

To clarify, CustomBuild 2.0 can use whatever is already installed.
The related option is one of:
where "yes" would use whatever is already installed, based on:
mysqld -V | grep -c 'MariaDB'
Else, if you use mysql_inst=mysql, it will try and only use mysql (it will error if you have the wrong thing installed). Similiar, you can set it to mysql_inst=mariadb if you only want that.
John, when you first posted this I had trouble following it, probably because I don't yet run DirectAdmin on CentOS7. It's become a bit clearer to me and I hope it will continue to become even more clear when you bring DirectAdmin oin CentOS7 into release status and I build my first box.

But... do you mean that CustomBuild will update MySQL automatically once it's installed? Or that I'll need to follow and update it manually? And if the latter, will I be able to update it from a yum repository?
Really, using "yes" should be all you ever need, as long as you've got what you want already installed.

This means, if you want MySQL, swap out MariaDB for MySQL, and CB2.0 should continue to work with it, allowing you to update to 5.6.
But.. once you go to 5.6, you're locked in (unless you dump the raw sql, wipe the db path & rpms, and re-install to MariaDB).
I think you just answered what I wrote above; I can do this, and from then on CustomBuild 2 will continue to update MySQL. Is this correct?
I too was quite leery of MariaDB, as change causes confusion and breaks things. I'm typically hesitant to do so.
However, after I did a bit of digging and testing, I found to have no issues at all and that MariaDB is actually more "MySQL" (historically) than the new MySQL is.
What I mean by that is, MariaDB is MySQL, and is developed by the original MySQL creators.
MySQL was bought by Oracle, so from 5.6+, it's not developed by the original MySQL team, which is why everyone seems to be moving away from it (I'm sure it's fine, but it's a new team of coders)
I agree with all of this, but I worry that if I don't advertise MySQL, but instead advertise MariaDB, I won't get as many new clients. And that if I advertise MySQL but don't deliver it I can get in trouble with Oracle.

So I'm just not sure :(. Perhaps I'll post on WHT to see what ordinary users look for and to see what other hosting companies are doing, but a quick search right now shows:
Hostgator : MySQL
Dotster : MySQL
GoDaddy : MySQL

The MariaDB site has a page titled: Web Hosting providers offering MariaDB ( but I don't recognize any of the listed hosting companies, and I likely don't expect to compete with them.

Am I wrong? Should we open an off-topic thread to discuss what we might want to offer?
So in reality, if you want consistency, oddly enough, using MariaDB would be that path, as it is the original MySQL 5.5 code base, and worked on by the original MySQL developers, and MariaDB 10 would have been the natural increment of MySQL, if it were still owned by the same people.
The only thing different is the name.
I would personally be more suspicious of MySQL 5.6, than I would be of MariaDB 10.
As an admin I agree with you completely, but as a marketer, I'm not so sure.

Perhaps offer machines with both? And let the market decide?
The quick solution to swap MariaDB to MySQL after the CentOS 7 install is done
<code snipped; you can read it above :)>

I'm still waiting, but this very helpful information; have you created it as a knowledgebase article?
