mySQL 5 and RH Fedora 4


New member
Dec 13, 2005
I am just about to embark on a new hosting venture with my own dedicated servers etc.

As I have a number of clients already that don't mind "risking" RH Fedora 4 on their hosting server along with mySQL 5 just out I wondered if when/now DA can be installed on such a machine?

I can appreciate a wait for it to stabalize approach but I would be keen to set up the new kit with the latest versions if possible.

Sorry if these questions seem daft or anything but the area (as a provider) is quite new to me.

Anyone got any thoughts or info on this please?

Regards to all
Right after you do a fresh install of DirectAdmin is the best time to upgrade everything.

Just keep in mind that they won't be supported by DirectAdmin and future version upgrade *could* break things.
May be the question should have been when ?

Thanks for your reply. I think I will need the support in the early stages as I have so much else going on other bugs would not be helpful at this stage particularly without support.

Maybe the question should have been when is DA likely to release a supported version for mySQL 5 and Fedora 4?

Anyone have any clues or does it follow a particular timing pattern?
DA just recently moved from MySQL 4.0 to 4.1. That change took several months after 4.1 was announced stable.
My guess would be quite some time after MySQL 5 is released as the recommended/standard version.

Even then (probably), only new installs will come with MySQL 5. Jumps from 4.1 to 5 would have to be done on your own after reading about possible effects and instructions from MySQL AB.
Plan of action

Thanks for the tips. Much appreciated.

I will probably create a virtual server and try mySQL 5 on that so it can be tested before roll out to any clients. Without taking everyones databases with it if it goes!

I will only make 4.1 available to clients so the support issues are predictable.