MySQL after reboot


Verified User
Dec 6, 2004
Utah, USA
After I upgraded to mySQL 4.0.24 I have to login and shut down mysql and restart it. Or nothing that relies on mysql will work.

I'm not sure what the deal is, but it's very strange.

I have no idea why either.

Anyone ever have this problem?

If I try to stop mysql it stops. but if I try to stop mysqld it says it's not running. So I stop mysql and then start mysqld and everthing starts working again???

Anyone know why or what might be causeing this?
Also of note, I have both mysql and mysqld in /etc/init.d and K20mysql and K20mysqld in /etc/rc.d/rc0.d

Running either of them seems to work, but I have to always stop the whatever CentOS is starting first, then restart either one.

How did you update? You didn't update the startup files.

The files in rc0.d is only get called when you do a shutdown.

The files in rc3.d get called when you start CentOS.

You should only have one.

The ones with the most recent date are probably the one you want.

But you should try starting the more recent MySQLD daemon manually to make sure it's working before deleting the older files.

I updated with a script that was posted on here. Although it wasn't a DirectAdmin script.

As far as the start up script... I did not. I assumed (and both of use know how that goes :() the installer would have done it.

How do I check it?
You look for multiple scripts named mysql or mysqld at /etc/rc.d/init.d/

and make sure you only have the right one installed.

Then you make sure there's only one link to it at /etc/rc.d/rc3.d, and that it begins with a capital letter "S".

Thank you! Based on the dates I was able to figure out which one was supposed to be there and after some testing (renamed files, removed links, and documented my changes so I could go back if needed), I rebooted to see what would happen and wala, everything is happy again.

So thank you very much for the help.