sky Verified User Joined Nov 12, 2004 Messages 318 Nov 16, 2004 #21 Hum, i managed your tutoriel in fact afterall ^^ But, in DA, i still have : Error connecting to MySQL: Access denied for user: 'da_admin@localhost' (Using password: YES) Sky
Hum, i managed your tutoriel in fact afterall ^^ But, in DA, i still have : Error connecting to MySQL: Access denied for user: 'da_admin@localhost' (Using password: YES) Sky
fusionictnl Verified User Joined Jun 22, 2004 Messages 1,029 Location Netherlands Nov 16, 2004 #22 Why remove the user table ???? If you followed the steps explained on the Mysql site, you should just start mysql (deamon) with no security at all and set the root password. It didn't say anywhere to remove the user table.
Why remove the user table ???? If you followed the steps explained on the Mysql site, you should just start mysql (deamon) with no security at all and set the root password. It didn't say anywhere to remove the user table.
fusionictnl Verified User Joined Jun 22, 2004 Messages 1,029 Location Netherlands Nov 16, 2004 #23 Ok that's easy to fix Create a user in Mysql, all the rights GLOBAL username: da_admin password: look in the file /usr/local/directadmin/conf/mysql.conf Or just change the settings in that file to: username=root password=[root password]
Ok that's easy to fix Create a user in Mysql, all the rights GLOBAL username: da_admin password: look in the file /usr/local/directadmin/conf/mysql.conf Or just change the settings in that file to: username=root password=[root password]
sky Verified User Joined Nov 12, 2004 Messages 318 Nov 16, 2004 #24 Ok, when set to root (password), it work fine Ok, well, kno, ill transfer all the website ^^ Thx for all your help Cya soon, Sky
Ok, when set to root (password), it work fine Ok, well, kno, ill transfer all the website ^^ Thx for all your help Cya soon, Sky