If anyone can write a script for this, it would help me out greatly.
The simplest way to do it would be to write a script to
1) stop mysqld from running (/usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysqld stop)
2) copy the databases to a backup location (from /home/mysql)
3) start mysqld
OR if you've upgraded to 1.22.4, you can always use "sysbk" from the Admin Panel -> System Backup, and then only select to backup the mysql databases. DA just adds a cron job for root (crontab -l -u root) to specify when the "/usr/local/sysbk -q" program should be run.
DirectAdmin Web Control Panel
I would like to know how I can create a cron job to automatically backup my mysql database every 4 hours? I know DirectAdmin has a backup feature, but using crontab to do it automatically would be preferred.
I am running FreeBSD 4.10.
Will Erwin