MySQL copy from CPanel server


Verified User
Jan 15, 2004
Can you tell me what the easyiest way is to copy mysql databases from my users to my directadmin box?
Peter said:
Can you tell me what the easyiest way is to copy mysql databases from my users to my directadmin box?

Personally I'd say, copy all the data files and restart the mysqld. If I'm correct this would add users, add databases and the data contained in it.
So, I'm talking about the /var/lib/mysql and the files/directory's in it.

My best guess would to tar it (don't forget user permissions), transfer it and untar it. But I do recommend shutting down the MySQLD on both servers before tarring/untarring it. Also, you should test it :D

As for DA, I am not completely sure if it would work, I have no real idea how the user databases are connected to the databases/users themselves. So best guess is to wait until someone who knows a bit more is able to respond...
Yeah i thought that myself, done it, just the userpermission you should create again.