MySQL database download creates an empty db file


Verified User
Jan 14, 2004

I just tried to download a database backup for one of the clients.
After downloading it, I unpacked it on my PC and checked it out. The database file was empty :confused:

I was able to log in via phpMyAdmin and download the database backup that way just fine. This is not an empty database, so the question is why downloading it from DA (Home » domain » MySQL Setup ) doesn't work.
Thank you for your reply, but the password is definitely correct otherwise phpMyAdmin wouldn't log me in.

This rather looks like a problem with DA's database download page.
Webcart said:
Thank you for your reply, but the password is definitely correct otherwise phpMyAdmin wouldn't log me in.

This rather looks like a problem with DA's database download page.

This was an issue previously, its not that the password is incorrect as you seem to be thinking, but rather it needs to be changed once before the backup will work correctly.. if you could try changing the password, then reverting it back immediatly followed by the backup process it would help determine if that is the problem :)
