I have a problem with harddisk.
I have two harddisk. One of the oldest (/dev/sdb2 | Mounted on /tmp) and system files have been damaged.
The other is (/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00) new and installed new systems. I want to move my mysql databases to new harddisk from old harddisk.
I moved databases files from /tmp/var/lib/mysq/*_* to /var/lib/mysql but it did not work!
I get these error messages in some tables from phpmyadmin: #29 - File './*_*/*.MYD' not found (Errcode: 2)
I have a problem with harddisk.
I have two harddisk. One of the oldest (/dev/sdb2 | Mounted on /tmp) and system files have been damaged.
The other is (/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00) new and installed new systems. I want to move my mysql databases to new harddisk from old harddisk.
I moved databases files from /tmp/var/lib/mysq/*_* to /var/lib/mysql but it did not work!
I get these error messages in some tables from phpmyadmin: #29 - File './*_*/*.MYD' not found (Errcode: 2)