mysql.sock and user table corrupt

[email protected]

New member
Jul 28, 2006

We had a user/reseller trying to add a new database and it failed because of a problem with the mysql/user table. (he may have somehow managed to get a database opened without a user name?) My decision was to delete the databases from the admin and restart mysql.

now All of the databases on the DA server fail due to a "mysql.sock" error.

It says it must be missing or misconfigured. I cannot see it in var/lib/mysql where it should be.

Any help out here? I don't know where to go from here and system is essentially down.

David M. Clark
yep it has been discussed many times... but


Thanks for the reply.

You are right but I had already read and tried all of those...My problem is now fixed but it had more to do with repairng the user file than the mysql.sock file.

Took a bunch of tries to get it repaired and once I did mysql was able to start normallly.

What would have helped earlier would have been a little more knowledge of where the mysql err log files were located.

Thanks anyway.