I've just updated mysql from 4.0 to 5.1 via custombuild. This is to meet the requirements of Wordpress installation.
After the update, mysql ver in ssh show 5.1 but Directadmin still shows MySQL 4.0.23 under System Information.
When we tried to install Wordpress, it shows 4.0.23 and installation for Wordpress will halt.
Anyone has this problem? How can I manually change the ver to 5.1
I've just updated mysql from 4.0 to 5.1 via custombuild. This is to meet the requirements of Wordpress installation.
After the update, mysql ver in ssh show 5.1 but Directadmin still shows MySQL 4.0.23 under System Information.
When we tried to install Wordpress, it shows 4.0.23 and installation for Wordpress will halt.
Anyone has this problem? How can I manually change the ver to 5.1