mysql wont start, after following mysql optimize in this forum


Verified User
Aug 16, 2005
mysql wont start after i tried to optimize it, from after reading a post here in direct admin's forum about optimizing mysql thread....

this is an urgent problem i really need it fixed as soon as possible so if someone can please help it would be really appreciated.

First, my server, is Fedora Core 3

Here are what I done so far today before mysql stopped working.

1) Directadmin <-- I updated couple days ago
2) yum update <-- i updated all rpm's
3) tried this, , which was basically optimizing mysql.

so, after step 3, i tried restarting mysqld . and behold mysqld wont start.
So then, i went and changed back the my.cnf to the way it was before. But that still didnt start mysqld! (almost pissed my pants)

so i tried rebooting.
And the darn thing still didnt start.

When i do , '/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld restart' , i get No mysqld pid file found. Looked for /var/lib/mysql/

When I check my, /var/lib/mysql/ , I see
[ERROR] Character set information not found in '/usr/share/mysql/english/errmsg.sys'. Please install the lates version of this file.

what should I do?

can someone please help me?

i really need to get this darn thing running, now....

Now what should I do?
Just a quick question. When you updated with yum, did you add the recomended services to the exclude list?
well now i got it was YUM updating/installing MySQL-3.x , when i had 4.1 already installed.

what/where, exactly is this recommended list?

and , since i found yum was the culprit to my problem, shouldn't we call that list, the, A MUST TO DO LIST? or something like that?
If you search these forums for yum exclude you should find some examples :) .
