Mysql_backup_dir default value


Verified User
Feb 11, 2005
The Netherlands
Hi there,

Don't know whether this has been suggested before but maybe it would be better to change the default value of mysql_backup_dir in options.conf to something in /home/mysql/ since the default for mysql_backup=yes? This might be a bit more safe, especially when having 10s of GB's of database data in combination with /usr mounted on just a small partition?
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Never heard of anyone using a small /usr partition ever.
We do lots of relatively small DirectAdmin servers so space on the /usr partition, if a separate partition at all, is always less than the space available in /home. Seeing how DirectAdmin already keeps all MySQL data in /home and all other backups are stored in /home by default already as well, I think it might be more logical to keep mysql backups there as well.
That's not rare case when I set it to store mysql backups on /home. The partition /usr is not that big on some server under my maintenance.