mysqldump: Got error: 1103


Verified User
Sep 14, 2006
Version 4.1.11 standard.

mysqldump: Got error: 1103 :confused:

I'm trying to make a back up script for my data base,
which i can then cron, but i decided to try it out at the command line in putty as ROOT first.

Its either something stupid or something worse?

I'm in at root and i'm running the command just to test
the paths before a start any scripts.

mysqldump: Got error: 1103: Incorrect table name 'test.sql' when doing LOCK TABLES

To get that error i'm typing in the following.
User name and passwords are changed.

mysqldump -uXXXX -p1234 my_table test.sql

Ive been trying to sort it for hours now.

My Table name does have something similar too,
"my" being the account user name.


but that's it?

i can connect in via the command line.
and if i run the mysqldump with out a file name
mysqldump -uXXXX -p1234 my_table
it wizzes past my screen in Putty and stops thankfully.

Any ideas Help !?
mysqldump: Got error: 1103: Incorrect table name 'test.sql' when doing LOCK TABLES
Dam now i feel stupid, half a day later and with in mins of posting ive got it to work, but i dont understand why?

The diffrence is that my command line looks like this now.

mysqldump -uXXXX -p1234 my_table >test.sql

and Not

mysqldump -uXXXX -p1234 my_table test.sql

Hope that helps someone.

">" Added
The > (pipe) symbol pipes the output of the mysqldump -uXXXX -p1234 my_table command to a file named test.sql.

The same command without the > symbol isn't the same command at all; it tries to dump both my_table and test.sql to standard-output, and obviously there's no table called test.sql.


try this post

I am using this on my server and it works without any issues. It is used to dump all the databases to a directory and rotates them on daily/weekly/montly bases. I think it would be good for you, if you have issues using mysqldump from command line as this script will do everything for you. It just saved me from writting something from scratch.
Thank you & Thank You

rohit : Strangley i have that script after a Google Search, i think now i can give it a try now you have given it the thumbs up. As i was unsure if it was safe or not.

Thanks Ive learned :)