I have problems with a couple of my mytop installation it gives a error that test db not exist:
Someone who know how to fix this error?
I have problems with a couple of my mytop installation it gives a error that test db not exist:
[root@w126 ~]# /usr/bin/mytop -s /tmp -u da_admin -p *****
Value "/tmp" invalid for option s (number expected)
Cannot connect to MySQL server. Please check the:
* database you specified "test" (default is "test")
* username you specified "da_admin" (default is "root")
* password you specified "*****" (default is "")
* hostname you specified "localhost" (default is "localhost")
* port you specified "3306" (default is 3306)
* socket you specified "" (default is "")
The options my be specified on the command-line or in a ~/.mytop
config file. See the manual (perldoc mytop) for details.
Here's the exact error from DBI. It might help you debug:
Unknown database 'test'
Someone who know how to fix this error?