navigation "problems" in DA


Verified User
Apr 8, 2004
I'm not sure where this should go, but I think there's a little something in the navigation that should be changed possibly.

When you create a user (of any variant I believe), you are prompted w/ a details page saying whatever has been completed.

If completed, the "back" link should go to the main page, not back to the user creation page that you just filled out. It should only do this when creating a user fails.

Is there a reason this is like this? I'm not sure if it's an issue for any other skin other than the new enhanced skin.

I think its because its part of a standard template where back does what it says and takes you back to your previous page. If this is the case there would be noway to change since it was part of the template and changing it would mean that ALL back buttons took you to the main page even though it shouldn't have.

I could be mistaken though.
I was afraid it might be something like that, just wanted to ask anyway.

It's one of the things I hated about cpanel, it has a lot of those that just were broken and whatnot depending on the skin. DA was/is much much better about it.