Need advice with deploying Python web application with PHP - compatibility issues


New member
Nov 24, 2023
I'm using a PHP web server and attempting to integrate the Python web application with it through WSGI1. However, despite my efforts, the PHP server is unable to recognize the Python code. Whenever I try to run the code, I receive an error message stating that the Python code is not compatible with PHP2. Has anyone faced this issue?
Well, i think you are on the wrong forum.
Unless it's a DA direct related question i'm afraid "nobody" will be able to assist you with this problem and i would recommend you to ask a forum for phyton or the php forum itself. Unless you use directadmin and would like to install Python, because the pro pack supports it.
Thank you for your response and guidance. I appreciate your suggestion to explore other forums, and I'll certainly consider reaching out to Python or PHP communities for more specific assistance on those aspects.