Need help setting up Nginx correctly


Verified User
Aug 19, 2020

After multiple years of using litespeed because it was easier to configure.

I decided that I may invest some time to properly set and use nginx instead, since I've heard it's the best thing right now.

The problem is I always find people saying Nginx is better and faster if configured. But sadly, no one actually has guides or tutorials on how to do it.

I've been trying for a few months to get it to work fast and to find the best configuration, but I keep getting in problems and errors and finally gave up on it.

But I'm now having some financial problems and I would really love if someone can give me some insight on where and how to get some useful information about Nginx configuration.

Also, a HUGE problem for me is the caching plugin for wordpress. Litespeed is easy to use for the users and easy to manage, can't find a good plugin to use Nginx fastCGI cache that works without issues.

I know it might seem like I didn't search enough, but I did. I really did search and I found the configurations are focused towards plain stacks with no directadmin in mind, and I can't find anything related to both Nginx and directadmin.


There's an issue with caching plugins for NGINX. Due to ownership and permissions used by NGINX for a cache storage, hosting-users can not purge the cache. In order to purge NGINX cache physically from a directory you will need to be root and then restart/reload NGINX.

NGINX offers nginx_purge only as a part of a commercial subscription, see for more details:

We wrote a hook script for WordPress to purge cache in NGINX for a customer of mine. It was a commercial development, not ready for free-sharing yet.

can't find a good plugin to use Nginx fastCGI cache that works without issues.

There's an issue with caching plugins for NGINX. Due to ownership and permissions used by NGINX for a cache storage, hosting-users can not purge the cache. In order to purge NGINX cache physically from a directory you will need to be root and then restart/reload NGINX.

NGINX offers nginx_purge only as a part of a commercial subscription, see for more details:

We wrote a hook script for WordPress to purge cache in NGINX for a customer of mine. It was a commercial development, not ready for free-sharing yet.
Do you recommend just sticking with apache or what can be alternative to litespeed?