Need Help w/ 2048bit CSR for an EV-SSL Cert


New member
Feb 12, 2009

I need your assistance.

A client needs to install an EV SSL certificate, however this requires a 2048 key, and DA is only generating 1024 keys.

Can I do this through DA, or is there someway to generate the CSR manually and have the SSL still work when they paste it into DA??

I know I can manually generate the private key and CSR with the following:

Generate Private Key:
openssl genrsa –out 2048

Generate CSR:
openssl req –new –key –out

However, I'm lost after that. Where do I put these files, as well as the cert that the customer gets back from the registrar?
I assume: /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/username/domains

sorry for all the questions, I just don't want the customer to waste their cert do to an error on my part.

Thank you for your help.

Server is running Debian 32bit w/ Apache 2
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The csr gets sent to the Certificate provider; it has no other use, but you can save it if you want.

The Private Key and the Certificate get pasted into DirectAdmin; there's a lot of help here; while you'll have to create the CSR and private key manually you can use the instructions on this page to upload the Private Key and the Certificate to DirectAdmin.

Thank you, I must be out of it today, guess it's pretty obvious that you can post the key and cert into DA :rolleyes:

I just manually created the key and csr and the registrar excepted should be good to go once the cert is issued.

Thanks for the assistance :)