Need help


Verified User
Dec 8, 2004
hi all can anyone help.?
I did upload a temporary web page with direct admin following the instruction
file manager / public html / index html
all seem ok on this side but when I try to check if it work using internet explorer I just get a page with some folder .

if you can help, thanks
this is the ad if you like to check what the display page is.
That does not appear to be any index file of any type in that directory. This is a default installation? By default Apache should have been configured to hide indexes everywhere except where specified within a .htaccess file.
thanks for the reply.what did you sugest?

I can insure you I did follow the help way.
upload temporary web page
in the public html directory file call index .html and the only thing i have got is what you see .
don't understand for sure.
thanks for your help
[email protected]
Either apache is messed up or its human error :o

Are you sure you uploaded the index.html file to the /home/username/domains/yourdomain/public_html directory?
If yes, then you might want to check the httpd.conf against the one it should have been configured with since indexes shouldn't be showing without specifically specifying that. The default httpd.conf file is located at /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/httpd.conf
If they are different, replacing your current with the default one (making the necassary changes of course) might solve your problem.
i'm pretty sure the probleme is on my side just can't find the solution.
the index.html file is loded to

home/username/file manager/yourdomaine/public.html directory

I will check the other thing you sugested.

Works for me. I get the Race Tech UK coming soon page.

I don't see any image, though.

Great :)
What was the problem and the solution in case somebody else searches the forums with the same problem?
hi ,
to make it short as i'm not the expert.
apparently there was a probleme ( should I say conflict ) with the redirection
I'm using droa as a register domain name and i did put as name server

it is looking like it didn't like it
i have to move it to
1/ same
it is now working find I just did have to modify my outlook email seting

hope this can help others

thanks for your help