Yesterday my server was offline for serveral hours because the networkscripts did not start after a reboot (power failure).
I asked my dc to take a look, normally they dont give software support but the started the scripts so the server is online again.
As they don't give any further support, my question is how to keep this from happing again.
When i looked at the message, there were serveral messages that the service named and directadmin was down. I did some reboots but it didnt come up by its own. So what could have been wrong?
I asked my dc to take a look, normally they dont give software support but the started the scripts so the server is online again.
As they don't give any further support, my question is how to keep this from happing again.
When i looked at the message, there were serveral messages that the service named and directadmin was down. I did some reboots but it didnt come up by its own. So what could have been wrong?