network scripts on Centos 8

What exactly do you mean?
There is not /etc/init.d like in Centos 6.
But you can still adjust the network script (for the nic) in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts if you mean that. However, with DA you normally do not have to fuzz with that.
Restarting network is done slightly different, but easily getting used to.
I wanted to disable NetworkManager and use yum install network-scripts to use them. It seems i have to use NetworkManager because network scripts are deprecated in rhel 8.
Can you give an example? Which scripts exactly? Because I never used NetworkManager until now.
Do you mean ifconfig? Or what exactly do you want to achieve or do?
Oke, sorry, I don't use it. I didn't disable network manager and as it says on yourlink, I still can restart network still via service network restart.
I think somebody else needs to answer you. If you're from the Netherlands, you can also send me a pm in Dutch.
Do you use Centos 8 ? because i can't. (not from Netherlands)
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart network.service
Failed to restart network.service: Unit network.service not found.
I don't know if this works with CentOS 8 but try to install net-tools.
Do you use Centos 8 ? because i can't. (not from Netherlands)
Yes I do. But remember that restarting the network only restarts the NIC, so if you have a 2nd ip in Directadmin, startips has to be restarted too.

Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart network.service
Failed to restart network.service: Unit network.service not found.
Ahyeah, sorry I confused 2 commands because I normally almost never restart the network (no need to), I use service for lots of other things like Exim, but for network I have to use systemctl to restart it.
However, since DA can also restart the ip's, you can also use this command:
service startips restart
which will restart all ip's present in DA. And that works with the service command.