New Account Overage/No Visible Files on account


Verified User
Mar 11, 2004
St. Albert, Alberta
This is going to sound like a real noob question, but I admit I am a noob.

A reseller of ours has a "new" user he just added eitehr yesterday or today and this user is already being reported as over their allotment. But there are no files visible from DA. The allotment is 50 MB, and they are at 109 MB. I did a retally and that showed a reduction of 2MB down to 107 MB.

The catch is, and why I said "new" the reseller had previously had this account on the server, but deleted the account. We believe this account also had a phpBB install via Installatron. Therefore there possibly could be a orphaned MySQL db somewhere. (just a guess)

What is the best way, via ssh & vi to determine what files are actually tied to this user account? And if there is a orphaned MySQL db?

Sorry for these noobie questions.
So now the reseller tries adding the domain 3 different times more, assigns a different username each time and has symlink errors coming out of his ying yang. how to clean up this mess

If you were asking for help you'd post some of those errors.


Sorry about's the latest errors....

Unable to create subdomain


Error creating /home/mohonasen/domains/
Unknown error

Error creating /home/mohonasen/domains/
A directory component in /home/mohonasen/domains/ does not exist or is a dangling symbolic link

Error creating /home/mohonasen/domains/
Unknown error
Well, those unknown errors don't help much :( .

And that one about the component that either doesn't exist or is a dangling symbolic link is quite reasonable... it can't exist if it's parent directory couldn't be created.

Someone is going to have to shell in and become the root user, and delete all traces of the username and affiliated domain names.

And start over.

Asking the folk at DA might be a good choice if you're entitled to support from them, as we'd probably be more expensive :rolleyes: .

Thanks Jeff...I'll probably have to contact DA support. It is probably something simple, but I cannot figure it out. And to complicate matters, the reseller kept deleting and readding the domain with different usernames each time...
