New default theme


Verified User
Feb 10, 2014
The current directadmin theme has been in use for almost as long as the current cPanel x3 theme. cPanel is now working on an improved x4 theme. Would it be possible to get a new directadmin default theme? A lot of the reason cPanel is widely used is because of its easy to use theme for end users.
A lot of the reason cPanel is widely used is because of its easy to use theme for end users.
I and many of my users seem to disagree with you, and find the cPanel skin 'heavy' and hard to navigate and find things.

Are there more cPanel control panels in use than DirectAdmin control panels? Anecdotal evidence is one thing, but without being privy to number for each company it's impossible to tell.

I've taken marketing classes, and just this past weekend I was speaking with a gent currently studying marketing. It's an interesting study, and can teach you a lot about market share, positioning, and mind-share.


I like DirectAdmin for it's ease of use, and though I like some of the other skins I've seen, I continue to use the directAdmin enhanced skin because I like it's ease of use and my familiarity with it.

DA needs a new skeleton theme which works purely by making ajax calls to its API. Once this happens, we'll have lots of pretty themes which work on all kind of devices. Until then, theme modders are just painting lipstick on a pig.
Seems like a good idea. Anyone care to get involved and do it as a community project?

Or do you believe it needs to be written/maintained by DirectAdmin Staff?

Seems like a good idea. Anyone care to get involved and do it as a community project?

Or do you believe it needs to be written/maintained by DirectAdmin Staff?

DA should validate the concept first. There might be some hurdles they're aware of and missing API endpoints that we would need to build the interface.
It could be possible to AJAX/API everything through one or few pages... but it might not work for all pages.
If there are any issues, we'd be happy to fix DA to address them.
.. it would be a fairly large undertaking.. (not sure we'd do said skin ourselves)
I'd recommend some sort of config or template system for each page, making a form and require info easy to enter... although, that sounds more like a bunch of html files anyway for all of the extra urls and text, etc.. many pages have custom javascript.. it would get very messy.
The |$/usr/local/bin/php system could help out here, where ajax calls a php based script to generate html forms based on the templates/configs for each page.
Such a template system would need to be fairly extensive, flexible, and thorough, as pages typically have many many different layouts, etc.. like the Admin Backup page.. how to define that in a template? Likely just html, which is pretty much what we have now.
The current header/footer system makes for easy changes of things...
I do admin, the hard-coded tables can be a bummer if you're trying to be creative with them.... but I'm not too sure exactly what the holdup with the current system is.
I believe Martynas (smtalk) is doing.. or already has done such an ajax skin.. (perhaps he can confirm that).. but not sure if it was actually ajax, or just had the appearance of everything on one page.

Hello John and everyone,

I think you'll be pleased with what we've been working on over the past year:

In a few minutes we're going to give away free licenses to those who want to help us testing it out. I'm aware this thread is about a default (included for free) skin, but in the meantime, this skin will certainly take DirectAdmin above and beyond what any other panel is offering at the moment. We're giving away free copies to those who want to help us with the testing. In just a few minutes we're going to launch the first beta version, which is actually stable, we've been testing it in our own environment for a long time now.

I hope this post isn't innapropriate.
