New instalation - mysql, mysql.sock problem


New member
Apr 20, 2011

yesterday i've installed new Centos 5 64 bit with directadmin no my serwer.

Everything was fine, till i saw, that i cant login to mysql. Than i saw, that mysql is down, i was trying to up, but the i saw informations that there is no mysql.sock file.

I was searching this file through system, but there is no such as file.

I decide to rebuild mysql, but nothing changed.... new instalation is not putting new mysql.sock file into /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock

I cant start mysql.

What can i do? rebuild all from Directadmin ?

in addition:

on my my.cnf file i have only:


nothing more


yesterday i've installed new Centos 5 64 bit with directadmin no my serwer.

Everything was fine, till i saw, that i cant login to mysql. Than i saw, that mysql is down, i was trying to up, but the i saw informations that there is no mysql.sock file.

I was searching this file through system, but there is no such as file.

I decide to rebuild mysql, but nothing changed.... new instalation is not putting new mysql.sock file into /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock

I cant start mysql.

What can i do? rebuild all from Directadmin ?
no file

Yes, you are right, but there is no mysql.sock file.

Should i reinstall mysql?

yum remove mysql , and then yum install mysql ?

is new installation can create this file ?

as far as i remember the mysql.sock should be in /tmp from default installation.

I should be wrong ofc.

never use yum to mange mysql httpd bind exim and programs that directadmin manage.

for reinstall mysql
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build mysql
./build php n


not helping -

when im searching for mysql.sock file, linux shows me

/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock , but when i'm trying to vim this file, there is no such as file...

when i go to /var/lib/mysql and ls , there is no file like this

what is wrong?

never use yum to mange mysql httpd bind exim and programs that directadmin manage.

for reinstall mysql
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build mysql
./build php n

try edit the /etc/my.cnf file like this

port            = 3306
socket          = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock

then restart mysql
