new install but dont start DA and HTTPD


Verified User
May 26, 2003
is a clean install on redhat 9
Like i read, i installed first webalizer and folowed step by step the instructions.

The install was all ok, without errors or warnings. Then i reboot.

But directadmin refuses to start, also httpd.:

[root@ar8 directadmin]# service directadmin status
directadmin dead but subsys locked

[root@ar8 directadmin]# service directadmin start
Starting DirectAdmin: [ OK ]
(it shows ok, but dont start)

[root@ar8 directadmin]# service httpd start
Starting httpd: httpd: Include directory '/etc/httpd/conf.d[FAILED]und

any clues?

in logs:
" Unable to read config file. Check to make sure that /usr/local/directadmini/conf/directadmin.conf.lock doen't exist.

It dont exist.

The "Starting httpd: httpd: Include directory '/etc/httpd/conf.d" instantly tells me that that is using the apache 2 httpd.conf file, which means that the directadmin install didn't finish. What probably happend was some keys were hit before the "do you want to run installer" question was asked, which are used instead of the "y" you entered (stored in keyboard buffer). This won't happen for the next release, as it doesn't need to ask you.

To fix:
cd /usr/local/directadmin
./directadmin i
./directadmin p

/sbin/service httpd restart
/sbin/service directadmin restart
The 'i' will do the install which copies the httpd.conf file and the directadmin.conf file.

Will this work for the following scenero?

I clicked update DA from within the control panel. Was told it was in queue and now I get connection refused to :2222 and DA refuses to start via ssh.

/sbin/service directadmin restart

doesn't work? Anything in the logs?
Last resort:

killall -9 directadmin
/sbin/service directadmin start

Or if that doesn't work, to test it:
cd /usr/local/directadmin

That will load it in the terminal and shoud spit out errors right there.
