New Install Hanging After Quota Check


Verified User
Nov 20, 2009
Greetings -

First time DA user here. Trying to install DA on a Centos 5.4 (64bit) server. I've followed the instructions and setup appears to start properly, but it's hanging after the quota check.

Checking quotas appears to finish as I see the "done" response on the next line, but now my box is just sitting there, cursor flashing. I'm hesitant to Ctrl-C out of it as the quota check took quite some time and I fear I may just be impatient. As of this post, it's been sitting, apparently idle, for 15ish minutes now.


Thanks in advance,
Oh yeah. Still waiting.

It got to the init line like it was rebooting and hung there for a good 30 minutes, but that was hours ago. I attempted to reinstall and it's still hanging. It's been going for well over an hour now.

People say DA is good, but since I can't get the damn thing to install, I'll just have to take their word for it. :P
I would never wait more then 90secs. There is a reason its hung up. What exactly is it hung up on. Show a screenshot or text output. Check log files for errors.

If its stuck on quota ensure that quotas are enabled on the filesystem. Run the quota check commands manually.

Come on there is no reason to wait that long. Its not going to do anything else.
I'm experiencing the same exact issue, CentOS 5.4 64-Bit, brand new machine.

Any input on how this was resolved for the OP here? Thanks in advance.
Yet you post no output on where its stuck? Or anything? come on....
Yet you post no output on where its stuck? Or anything? come on....

Wow, what part of where I said I was experiencing the "SAME THING" was so difficult to comprehend? To me, any logical individual would conclude that means I was getting stuck at the SAME POINT that was detailed EXACTLY in the first post.

But thanks for your outright rude and condescending remarks anyway. They were a huge help.
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You most likely have no idea how often posters write the "SAME THING" and yet later we find out there was some subtle difference. Personally, I almost always ignore posters who add to a thread, especially a non-current thread, and say they did the "SAME THING". It's usually a waste of time.

If you weren't going to shove my question back down at me, i'd probably ask you if you were using the same vesion of the same OS, the same kernel, the same processor, all the same libraries, and the same version of the installer; all are relevant.

In the meantime, I'd guess that without specific answers you probably won't get the help you need. I hope you do, and as a start, I'll ask you:

Does it hang after the kernel check is completed? Or after it starts the kernel check? Do you know for a fact that your kernel was compiled with quotas enabled.

I don't recall what DirectAdmin runs after the quotacheck, but you can check the installation script to see, as depending on your answers to the questions you've told me to not ask, the real problem could be whatever comes after the quota check.

I presume you're aware that if you got your DirectAdmin license directly from the DirectAdmin website, then you're probably entitled to installation help from DirectAdmin support.

I wouldn't pay attention to a user that says they have the same issue either, but I would acknowledge that "hey, this problem still exists" when it is bumped to the top of the forum again. When I said "same thing", it means just that. I'm running CentOS 5.4 64-bit and am experiencing the identical problem as in the first post. I shouldn't have to provide my processor information or other erroneous data for you. I was bumping the thread to see if anyone had resolved the primary issue.

I'm not concerned with whether or not you respond to me, I was more concerned to see if anyone had a solution to the INITIAL problem. Then, I would take that advice and perhaps test it on my system to see if it was a solution.

THEN, at that point, I would find it prudent to provide to you additional technical information. In the case of the initial response by SCSI, it was an attitude that simply wasn't needed. It contributed nothing in regards to the initial problem, which is what I was inquiring into.

Yes, as a long time customer, I am VERY aware of DA support avenues.

It doesn't really matter now though, I resolved my issue. And I'm not willing to share it here since obviously certain people took issue with me posting to begin with. Way to welcome those users to your community that aren't as "established". I'm sure the posters will come flying your way in the future with such preferential treatment.

As I wrote, you have no idea how many times "same thing" really isn't, and how tiring it gets. The processor and other information could be very germaine; I'll never know because you don't say what the problem turned out to be. But if it's a problem with installation of quotas it could definitely have something to do with any of those points I brought up.

I understand now that you weren't looking for help. When I first read your post I had no way of knowing that. Most posters are looking for help.

Bumping an old thread, but I sometimes encounter the same problem as well (ie, right now :P) . Use quite some different hardware setups, I'll see if I can nail it down to a specific os/setup.

When it happens I either put it into a screen session and look at it agian an hour later. However I just noticed a workaround though, provided below: