New Message: Warning: 200 E-Mails have just been sent by [email protected]


Verified User
Jul 25, 2014
go to directadmin and check messages, there will be detailed message.
I don't know what messages @Zhenyapan was talking about, maybe he can explain what he means?
Unless he means the ticket messages, but that content is already in your post unless it says something additional.

Just a thought, it says:
Warning: 200 E-Mails have just been sent by [email protected]
Isn't [email protected] present on your server? If yes, than that is the source sending the emails.

If you can't find anything about it in the mail queue manager then also have a look in //var/log/exim if you can see something there.
It they are not authenticated mails, it can also be a malicious script or theme on that account which is abused.
You might want to do a scan by maldetect on that domain. I would install maldetect anyway for security purposes.
detailed info only in "just been sent" messages, reminders copy "been sent yesterday" without details.
I've had those "just been sent" about php send mails (so non authenticated), without detailed info. Odd... I'll have a look if it happens again. Thanks.
Take care of spam mail en blockers for your server / domain after such, so check if you're not omn abuse list to be sure.

We had this once a custommer where one PC was hacked, his emailadres was abused through that pc to send mailspam over his emailasdres omn DA server.

So mailque , and which user, better to ask that user if they send many mails in that short time, if no warn them, and what i did was disabla account on DA server and amount alowed sending mails set to 0.

After that when a hacked adres, you better give them a new while it is kind of burned for lot of things, you wil see for very long time in log files it is.