New server: hardware and OS suggestion


Verified User
Oct 14, 2003
New server time.

I am using DA on an older server that I would like to
replace with a new P4 server.

Looking for two suggestions:

#1. Vendor for the server. 1u or 2u is ok.
Desire 1 gig RAM, 80 gig hdd.

#2 Operating system.
Security and ease of updates is my
primary concern. I really don't mind paying
for the OS that gives me a reliable, easy
to update system.

Thanks, in advance for your suggestions.

We buy our servers from Terian Solutions, in Texas.

They're not the chapest, but they do a good job of building out 1U Intel systems, and their Intel authorized. Their support and repair policies are great.

Talk to Elton Festari, and let him know I sent you :) .

(and no, he doesn't pay me for referrals.)

They can do some OS preloads.

We prefer White Box Enterprise Linux, an opensource compile of RHEL, for our servers, and we do the installs ourselves.

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Thanks for your note Jeff.

WBEL looks great. Some nice user reviews out there.

Is it much of a curve to learn? I am more of the daily
admin for tasks, so I will most likely have someone
do the configuration of the OS remotely after the initial
install (so I'll be shopping for someone to do that also).

Any suggestions appreciated.

Thanks again.

WBEL, RHEL, and CentOS all come from the same code and all are administered exactly the same as the earlier RHL flavors.

If you're from a unix background, whether Solaris or BSD, it'll take a bit of learning.

Looking for someone to do setup?

See my sig :) .
