New to DA - an IP question


New member
Dec 8, 2010

Not sure if the right place so forgive me if not.

I have just taken a trial of Direct Admin with a view of buying it for my dedicated server and I am stuck with IP issues. I run a few scripts which use random IP's from the servers IP pool each time they process a task (this is essential). How in DA can I assign multiple IPs to a user so that the script can use random IPs? I have 13 ips on my server.

At the moment I have managed to assign 12 of the IPs to one reseller so am I along the right lines? If I was to log in as admin and assign all the ips to the admin I could then, in theory, create a domain as admin and it would have access to all of these ip addresses?

Does that make sense?

Multiple IP#s per user is a new feature for DirectAdmin, currently in beta testing. A thread on the subject can be found here.
