Newbee Guide


Verified User
Apr 4, 2007
I guess I missed the Thread about newbees to DA...or was it the HowTo on setting up domains and users?

It's interesting that in another thread there was LOTS of discussion about the length of a user name in MySQL....and someone observed that the developers chose to use a specific length.

Under the mistaken impression that logic prevails, I attempted to add a user that had a 12 character length....and DA prompty beat me about the head and shoulders by stopping the input at 10 characters.

So, I used a used name that the users didn't want....and as an experiment added an email-only user with the 12 character, it worked?

But of course now I had to crawl into the shell to manually edit the forwarder file to allow mail sent to a system user(with the 10 character name) to be forwarded to an email-only address(the 12 character name) that allowed my client NOT to change setting on her end....

I am the first to admit that I am old and slow to catch maybe someone can point me to the documentation that shows in a condensed form what I need to do to accomplish simple create a user and domain.

Silly Stuff like
Maximum user name length for
system user
email-only user

Minimum lengths for the above

Sounds fanciful, but when a potential customer fills in the form to get service, I really don't want to have to email him back and tell him while
his MySQL user name can be only xx characters long, and his login name can only be yy long, his password can be up to zz long.

I know I should KNOW this stuff....I just don;t seem to be able to find which magic globe will reveal all the secrets.

Oh....and once those questions are answered...then the welcome message to the new customer could incorporate the appropriate stuff.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.


Excellent suggestions and I agree with them all of them whole heartedly..

The more a customer get's frustrated, the less likey he is going to use your services and the less likely you will get repeat business from him...


Awwwww...ut you're one of those newbees.

One of the first things I did with the RaQ was customize the default page that was created for the domain....with links to the online support section and explanations of various limits.

I think over the years I had one or two support tickets from folks who didn't understand how to set up their accounts.

Perhaps the difference is that the RaQs catered to folks who were NOT system admins....many of us were not tekkie enough to know which end of the screwdriver was used to butter the wrong side of the bread.

Well, there's this thing about self-fulfilling prophesy(sp?)....if no one expects a logical explanation or an easy to use interface, then they can accept the black-box gibberish...and think it's perfectly normal.

Now we could do the unthinkable...start assembling the neebee FaQ...worst thing that would happen is that make a mistake...and then someone who knows better can correct us.
