Newbie questions about turning services off


New member
Oct 15, 2005

Just started to use Direct Admin. I don't need SMTP, NAMED, and POP3 and would like to have them turned off. I know I can stop them from the services monitor option in the admin control panel. But they will restart if the server reboots. Does anyone know how I can makesure they are started on default?
lyew said:

Just started to use Direct Admin. I don't need SMTP, NAMED, and POP3 and would like to have them turned off. I know I can stop them from the services monitor option in the admin control panel. But they will restart if the server reboots. Does anyone know how I can makesure they are started on default?

>>Does anyone know how I can makesure they are started on default?

Started? If you mean STOPPED, try below.

If you _mean_ started, they'll start by default.

/sbin/chkconfig --level 2345 exim off
/sbin/chkconfig --level 2345 named off
/sbin/chkconfig --level 2345 vm-pop3d off

that should do it
I just wanted to add that you should still stop them in the DirectAdmin control panel, to keep DirectAdmin from restarting them.
