nginx + apache custombuild 2.0 - Joomla doesn't get article hitcounts updated


Verified User
Oct 17, 2009
Hello :D

I just installed nginx + apache using custombuild 2.0. The performance is noticable, huge improvement for my websites. But what's happening is that my Joomla websites doesn't get article hitcounts updated. I'm sure there were more than couples of ten thousand hits.(judged by Facebook shares & reached) But the article only shows just like 100~200hits at time. I guess that's caused by nginx caching so apache and php didn't load and that doesn't count as being loaded in Joomla, the hitcount doesn't get updated.

Is there anything I could do to get everything functional like before and still have nginx working?


A default nginx+apache configuration from CustomBuild does not provide any caching. Make hists on your site and check whether or not they are logged into apache access log, if you see them in apache access logs then it means that apache+php was triggered to build a page. You can use Webalizer and Awstats for that a they collect their information from apache logs.

Do you use APC? opcache? If you do, then this might be the root cause of your issue.
Thank you very much.

I just installed opcache but I didn't enable it in Joomla. I'm not sure if that would affect what I described. Is it enabled for anything that's supported by default?:eek:
If you installed opcache with custombuild then it should be enabled since the time of the installation completed.
Many thanks! :D

I'll try disabling opcache and see if the hit counts or not.

Is there anyway to sort this out? Like having opcache enabled and have all the hits being counted? I'm just curious since opcache, in the first place, will help increase performance.
Looks like disabling opcache didn't help. :(

Is setting opcache enabled = 0 in php.ini enough or do I have to rebuild a thing? If that's enough, what do you suggest?
I suggest that you check apache logs the way it was described in post #2
If you see hits in apache logs and they are still not counted by Joomla, then you need to debug your Joomla installation.
Then you should debug your PHP application in order to make sure it works correct. I don't have instructions here, but you might find some in internet.