Hi. I installed
1.clean Debian 8
2. choose Nginx
3. Added domains
4. Added installatron - which works pefect with DA (at least with apache)
5. I added some apps via Installatron - Wordpress etc.
6. But they show only home page - wp-admin, wp-login.php and any other other pages other than home page, links gives 404 in nginx
Looks like nginx installation script in Direct Admin is not configuring server correctly.I did twice clean installs for server - each time nginx was not working, while installs with apache worked without any problems. So the problem is in DA installation script which configures nginx - probably it doesn't add sites available in etc/nginx - because I don't see those ones in that location
Installatron only installs apps for certain domain - server and managed by DA - so the problem is in Nginx config in DA