nginx worker process issue


Verified User
Jan 29, 2021
South Africa
I notice our memory for a server that has very few domains on suddently spikes when nginx service is shutting down or reloading?

It causes some high memory usage into the 90% area and that is when load goes vvery high.

Shortly after it goes down and everything is back to normal.

I dont like these spikes so I thought giving it another 5GB from 10GB would help but still it does the same thing.

Should I change nginx processes from auto rather to something low like 4 or even 2? or is there another way to resolve this.

2019628 nginx 20 0 3342060 2.7g 10828 S 1.3 18.5 0:00.21 nginx: worker process
2019634 nginx 20 0 3342060 2.7g 10420 S 1.9 18.5 0:00.19 nginx: worker process
1960827 root 20 0 3316772 2.7g 7968 S 0.0 18.4 3:29.25 nginx: master process /usr/sbin/nginx -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
2019664 nginx 20 0 3342060 2.7g 5156 S 0.0 18.4 0:00.14 nginx: cache manager process
2019635 nginx 20 0 3342060 2.7g 5092 S 0.0 18.4 0:00.20 nginx: worker process
2019638 nginx 20 0 3342060 2.7g 5092 S 0.0 18.4 0:00.14 nginx: worker process
2019639 nginx 20 0 3342060 2.7g 5092 S 0.0 18.4 0:00.11 nginx: worker process
2019646 nginx 20 0 3342060 2.7g 5092 S 0.0 18.4 0:00.12 nginx: worker process
2019655 nginx 20 0 3342060 2.7g 5092 S 0.0 18.4 0:00.16 nginx: worker process
2019659 nginx 20 0 3342060 2.7g 5092 S 0.0 18.4 0:00.11 nginx: worker process
2019660 nginx 20 0 3342060 2.7g 5092 S 0.0 18.4 0:00.16 nginx: worker process
2019663 nginx 20 0 3342060 2.7g 5092 S 0.0 18.4 0:00.12 nginx: worker process
2016117 nginx 20 0 3284924 2.6g 11116 D 27.6 17.8 0:05.57 nginx: worker process is shutting down
2016148 nginx 20 0 3284924 2.6g 7496 R 39.0 17.8 0:05.91 nginx: worker process is shutting down
2016123 nginx 20 0 3284924 2.6g 7496 D 23.2 17.8 0:04.56 nginx: worker process is shutting down
2016150 nginx 20 0 3284924 2.6g 7496 R 15.2 17.8 0:04.73 nginx: worker process is shutting down
2016119 nginx 20 0 3284924 2.6g 7496 D 34.9 17.8 0:04.77 nginx: worker process is shutting down
2016147 nginx 20 0 3284924 2.6g 7496 D 19.4 17.8 0:04.51 nginx: worker process is shutting down
2016112 nginx 20 0 3284924 2.6g 11320 R 35.6 17.8 0:04.96 nginx: worker process is shutting down
2016142 nginx 20 0 3284924 2.6g 7496 R 22.2 17.7 0:04.54 nginx: worker process is shutting down
2016114 nginx 20 0 3284924 2.6g 10968 R 30.5 17.6 0:04.48 nginx: worker process is shutting down
2016128 nginx 20 0 3284924 2.5g 7496 D 27.6 17.5 0:05.13 nginx: worker process is shutting down
ok figured it out.

Basically the custom folder in custombuild has to be nginx_reverse and not nginx for it to work.

Its just high memory usage that is strange
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