No bandwidth reporting


New member
Jul 6, 2004
Fort Lauderdale
Hey guys. This is my first time on this forum and I just want to stop a second to say great job on DirectAdmin, it's a great program!

Anyhow, I have installed it and set it up and so far (all day) I have stayed at 0.000 MB bandwidth and disk space.

I'm thinking its quotas. Anyone have a tutorial or how-to about how to enable quotas or make sure they are set up correctly. Any other suggestions.
I believe the stats get updated during the cron.daily updates at 4 am.

jlasman said:
I believe the stats get updated during the cron.daily updates at 4 am.


then I guess the cron on my box isnt working...I have been at 0.000 for a few days now,..How do I restart the cron, or check to see if its intact??
Without knowing where they should be it'd be a bit hard to know what to look for.

I'd suggest asking DA support.

(I wrote that post years ago; it may not be correct :eek: )

think the problem was an update to DA that I did a few days ago, then I saw yet another update available so I did that, now all stats are 10:00 PM it was updated :)