no folder size count in Evolution skin

David Victor

Verified User
Nov 6, 2019
We've recently switched to the Evolution skin as the default skin for all users. Apart from the terribly slow pageloading I have but one issue with this skin: the file manager does not show any folder sizes by default.

Before - with the Enhanced skin - users could use the File Manager to easily and quickly find out what was taking up the most space in their package.

Now if anyone knows a way to display folder sizes in the Evolution skin I would be very gratefull if you could tell me. I have tried setting the filemanager_du=1 feature but unfortunately this isn't working for this skin somehow. I have searched for other solutions but came up with nothing.
Please help me out if possible.

Kind regards,

In file manager click on the upper right 3 vertical dots. Under Options you will find Folder Sizes. Enable it and you’re done.
In file manager click on the upper right 3 vertical dots. Under Options you will find Folder Sizes. Enable it and you’re done.
Wow. Did not see those three dots there..... Hahahaha Brilliant. Thank you very much Remco00, this works indeed!