No ftp accounts after back restore


Verified User
May 31, 2006
After a harddisk crash I had to reinstall DA and restore all user accounts. Everything is restored fine, but the users don't have a ftp account anymore. Even the standard ftp account wich has been created when a new user account has been created doesn't appear. Does somebody know how to solve?
I wouldnt see why this wouldnt transfer. What kid of backup and restore did you do. If you did an admin level backup then it should of copied. Check the file /usr/local/directadmin/data/<USER>/ftp.passwd to see if it has any data. Then if it does make sure they are mapped right in /etc/proftpd.vhosts.conf
The problem is the /etc/proftpd.vhosts.conf there are just a few useraccounts overthere. Can I put the other ones manual? The ftp.passwd files have data
I discovered the problem, the users with no ftp acount at the moment the had on the old server a shared IP. I forgot to share the IPs before the restore and just 1 user is owning the IP now. I shared the IP's now and hope it will solve the situation.