No incoming email for main account


Verified User
Mar 15, 2004

All users have a problem whereby no email arrives to the default mailbox created by DA when creating the user. Most senders will get a 550 error or the one below.

You can send from the 'users' mailbox, but no incoming at all.

If you create a new mailbox it works fine both incoming and outgoing.

You can watch exim_mainlog and see it kind of goes through, but never arrives. Each users /home/user/mail folder is empty apart from the symbolic link to spool.

This is what a sender will receive:
This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

[email protected]
(ultimately generated from [email protected])

Any Ideas?

Do you have a pop account for the email account you're sending to?. If not, make sure the catch-all isn't set to fail.. or it will fail :)


This is the email account that gets setup upon creating a user. I have checked that these do not go direct to [email protected], but also when making it the catch-all still receives nothing to anyname@domain

This is only on 1 DA server, the others work fine. ???

Also maybe lack of coffee, but where does everyones incoming mail go to? the cd/home/username/mail folder only has mail there once they use webmail.

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What's your hostname? Do you have a domain created as the hostname? (can't do that).

Remove the hostnames line from the /etc/virtual/domainowners file or else all system email will end up in the catch-all for the hostname. (there shouldn't be any settings for the hostname at all)

Hmm that I did. Luckily only on this one.

I did remove but still the same probblems. Also noted that when sending via webmail the reply to address is [email protected] instead of [email protected]

Here's the 550 error when sendingto any default mailbox:

[email protected]
(ultimately generated from [email protected])
SMTP error from remote mailer after RCPT TO:<[email protected]>:
host [ 550-( [] is currently not permitted to
550-relay through this server. Perhaps you have not logged into the pop/imap
550-server in the last 30 minutes or do not have SMTP Authentication turned on
550 in your email client.

So still no mail :-(
Just thought I'd play on another DA server.

Squirrelmail on both is sending as [email protected] for the default mailbox created for each user.

Webmail (Neotech) works fine on the second server. Anyone else having that problem with Squirrelmail ??

Create a new pop3 mailbox and all is ok with both? - weird.


That's because the system account isn't dependant on any domains. Meaning it would still work even without any domains at all. What they can do is go into their options in squirrelmail and setup their email address to whever they want to use.


I better add that in the welcome email. Customers would expect that it would work off the shelf as such and send in the [email protected] address, otherwise no replies.

Still can't get any users main mailbox to receive at all though on that 1 server. I've treid deleting accounts and re-adding without he servers name being an account, but nope still fails to receive.

Any other suggestions?

Followup: it was just the hostname being 1 character different (which I didn't notice before) and not being in the /etc/virtual/domains file.
