No input file specified. - phpmyadmin/webmail


Verified User
Mar 27, 2009

I'm using customapache on debian, with php5 cgi + suphp and apache 2.
Everything works fine except of phpmyadmin and webmail (located in /var/www/html/) so i guess its something with permissions, but i cant really figure out what :/

The error i get is 'No input file specified', i've tried googling around on directadmin but nothing seems to help.

What am i to do?

my permissions:

drwxr-xr-x  6 webapps webapps 4096 Feb 23 07:40 .
drwxr-xr-x 10 root    root    4096 Feb 23 15:48 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 webapps webapps   44 Oct 15 20:23 index.html
lrwxrwxrwx  1 webapps webapps   33 Oct 15 20:49 phpMyAdmin -> phpMyAdmin-
drwxr-xr-x 10 webapps webapps 4096 Oct 15 20:49 phpMyAdmin-
-rw-r--r--  1 webapps webapps   65 Oct 15 20:15 redirect.php
lrwxrwxrwx  1 webapps webapps   19 Oct 15 20:48 roundcube -> roundcubemail-0.1.1
drwxr-xr-x  9 webapps webapps 4096 Oct 15 20:48 roundcubemail-0.1.1
lrwxrwxrwx  1 webapps webapps   19 Oct 15 20:49 squirrelmail -> squirrelmail-1.4.15
drwxr-xr-x 16 webapps webapps 4096 May 23  2008 squirrelmail-1.4.15
drwxr-xr-x 11 webapps webapps 4096 Oct 15 20:49 webmail
Ok, did that.

Anyone has a clue bout this webapps issue? I've tried everything.
Also, i'm having problems when i add a new user with his domain, i need to manually restart services for the domain to work. Cron is running. Why?

Thanks for all the answers
If you have to restart services, that implies that the dataskq is not doing it.
This is the related guide:
You should see the dataskq every minute in your /var/log/cron

Regarding the error, I'm not farmiliar with it.
Where exactly are you seeing it? Through ssh, through apache, is it a browser specific error (ie: generated by the browser itself?)

As tolisgr mentioned, rouncube 0.1 has a giant security hole in it, it's possible your system was compromized.

Ok, this is what i've found out:

If i change the /home/username/php.ini

open_basedir = /home/username/:/tmp/
... to ...
open_basedir = /home/username/:/tmp/:/var/www/html

it works! But i need to do that for each user manually. Why? How would i automate this? What am i doing wrong?
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At the url I mentioned above there is already a procedure to auto-create for each user a php.ini. Since you use suPHP you should read the page carefully as it could give you solutions for many problems during the conversion from php to suphp. ;)