No input given before connect_timeout reached


Verified User
Sep 25, 2004
San Antonio, TX
Over the last few months I seem to get this more often than not when trying to do things inside the DA control panel as administrator.

For example, I just logged in as admin, typed part of a domain in the search box at the top, then click on one of the accounts in the resulting list.

I get:

Your connection has timed out


No input given before connect_timeout reached

Thing is, it happens instantly, when I try again it's fine. It can't possibly be timing out unless there is some extremely unreasonable timeout set in the code.

Any help would be appreciated. This is happening recent versions of DA on two different systems running in two different data centers.

As far as I know by default directadmin has 60 seconds as a timeout. Did you try to change it?

Do you use any 3rd party skin or a default one?

Did you try to run directadmin in a debug mode ( to see what might be wrong there?

-I have not changed the default timeout.
-Default Skin
-No I haven't tried debug mode but thanks for the tip. I check out the link and see if I can get it to fail while in debug mode.

I have run DA servers for a long time and this is the first time I have experienced this. The big difference I guess is that these are the first DA servers I have run on Virtual Machines, I am thinking that part of the issue. They are running on Digital Ocean instances with plenty of resources for what they are doing. I am not running into resource issues at all that I am aware of.

Running both on CentOS 6.x or 7.x 64bit, will need to check exact versions if anyone needs that.

Thanks for your help, I will see if debug mode reaps any rewards.