If you quote, you will have to fix the quotes, or just answer without quotes, because this makes things difficult. Or post screenshots.
As for the multi server issue, I presume you refer to the multiserver setup for DNS right?
In that case, on the server where the domain is on, you will see local data and local mail both to YES.
This will -not- be the case on the other server, which will show Local data -> NO and Local Mail -> NO as shown.
Do remember that Multiserver is for DNS only and is not a redundancy option. So that domain will never show up on both servers.
Which also explains your initial issue. If you want to try to create the domain on the second server (from the multi server setup), then indeed you will get the notice "domain already exists" because it exists on the main server of the multiserver setup and the system sees this because of the DNS records present.
So you can create a domain only on 1 server, not on both.
Does that give you more insight?