Not deleting created FTP folder


Verified User
Jun 2, 2004
Possible bug?

When you add a ftp account as user mode. It creates the folder in your public_html folder just fine...however when you remove the account the folder is not removed. It doesn't matter if the folder has stuff in it or not.

This was done under a Reseller account with the latest version of DA.

I am also able to reproduce this.

The other options appear to remove the directory properly as well.
I haven't tested this.

Can the file manager remove the directory?

If so, then I'd prefer it left; it could have important data in it.

Just as with linux from the command line; deleting a user does NOT delete the user directory structure.

jlasman said:
I haven't tested this.

Can the file manager remove the directory?


Just as with linux from the command line; deleting a user does NOT delete the user directory structure.

On FreeBSD it asks whether or not you want to delete user files, might be a neat addition...
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By default linux comes with useradd and userdel.

And deluser and adduser, which are just links to the respective programs.

The idea being that you, the admin, can replace those links with any kind of script or program you want.

Including a script which will call userdel with the right argument to delete the home directory structure.
