

Verified User
Jul 21, 2004
I'm needing to setup my own ns server so i can point domains to the box. I'm a little confused if direct admin does this and where if it is does.

Any help would be appriecitated.

Thank you
I just want to clarify:

You don't need two IP#s unless you're going to host both primary and secondary DNS on the server.

The original poster said "my own ns server"; he didn't say he needed two servers.

Nevertheless, Anthony, if you need to have two nameservers running then you should preferably have another server somewhere else you can use, and lacking that, two IP#s on your DA server.


I'm needing to setup my own ns server so i can point domains to the box.

You may already be aware of this but...

You'll also have to register/list your name server at the registrar where your domain is listed. (The domain being the domain part of your name server host name.)

So, if you're setting up a DA box to be a name server (or two) then it'll have to be registered/listed at the registrar using the IP(s) you assign to it (them) on the DA box.

I wasn't completly sure of that but now that you confirmed it i might be able to solve my problem.
Thank you
My main questino is where do i go to setup the name server? And what do i enter just another mx record under my main domain saying ns1.domainname.com?>

Adding a nameserver is not the same as registering it.

And the method differs from registrar to registrar.

Some call it "registering a nameserver"; some call it "registering a host".

So your best bet is to check with your registrar's tech support if you can't find it on their control panel.

I ment on the direct admin, like creating the mx record on it.

I should be able to find it on my registar no problem.