Odd named issue with lsof


Verified User
Sep 27, 2006
Years ago we had a client with the domain "m-wet.com" with a static IP. The client went belly-up and did not renew their domain. Of course, I removed the domain from DirectAdmin and double checked that the user and all files were removed from the /home directory.

Recently, I added a new client to that static IP, and found that running lsof -i, named shows UDP and TCP connections listening for the domain "m-wet.com". I've searched every file possible on that server and cannot find any reference to "m-wet.com" except in a few log files. "m-wet.com" is no longer registered, either.

So what is going on with this little oddity?
Does the reverse dns entry for the ip still point to m-wet.com? What was the ip m-wet.com was on?
Thanks Floyd, I'd forgotten that my upstream may have reverse pointers....I'd better get that 5th cup of coffee so I can wake up.
Just for notes: all your domains are on static IP#s. You probably meant dedicated.

