"# of Domains" of users can over reseller's ?


Verified User
Sep 16, 2009

i create a reseller package,and "# of Domains" of this package is only 10,

and create a reseller with the package.

i login as the reseller and create a user pachage,

and i set it's "# of Domains" to 9999,

and create a user with the package successfully.

im not sure it is da's design well? or system's bug?

becuase in my understand,

if reseller can use only max with 10 "# of Domains",

the total "# of Domains" under this account can not over the reseller's max "# of Domains",

by the way,

the total sould not be over 10,

could anyone give me some hint ?

thank you
The user's number domains will not exceed the reseller's number of domains no matter what you set for the user.

after testing creating,

it really shows
Your reseller has reached his/her assigned limit

but i think it is one kind of overselling about "# of Domains" ?

if yes,should i turn off this ?

becuase i think the total "# of Domains" the reseller created for their users should not over the max he can create.

thank you
That is up to the reseller to decide what to tell his users. You could always turn off overselling.