[Official Release] DirectAdmin for Redhat Enterprise 3.0

DirectAdmin Sales

Staff member
Feb 27, 2003
DirectAdmin for Redhat's Enterprise 3.0 is now available. It is classified as BETA although there are no known bugs at this time. Beta status will be removed in approximately one month. If any bug is found, a fix will be released immediately, so web hosts should have full confidence in this version. We always suggest that you install and play with the panel (e.g. for a full day) before creating accounts for your clients.

To order this version, simply select "RH Enterprise 3.0 (Beta)" when ordering through your client account. This version should function with WS, ES, and AS versions of Enterprise.

it's been 2 mth after this post, is there any problem to hold the official release? cause i soon will order a RHEL server. ;)
I've been using DA on RHEL for over a month now no issues whatsoever.. :)

Redhat 7.2 / 7.3 / 8.0 / 9
Redhat enterprise 3 (as / es / ws)
Fedora core 1 / core 2?
FreeBSD 4.* / 5.*

If that's the case - it may well work... WBEL is also based on RHEL, and afaik works fine.

As for support, you will need John or Mark to confirm that..

It might make sense to clarify which RH alternatives DA will work with it and what hacks if any are needed. Do we need to "spoof" the OS version?

RHE replacements:
- Whitebox
- Centos
- Tao
I'm fairly sure WBEL will work - it does literally seem an identical copy when using it (besides logos!) - even /etc/redhat-release still exists on there...


A lot depends on how DA sees things. Some software will look for the particular OS version information. If it doesn't recognise the tag it will b0rk.
My understanding is that DA works fine on WBEL.

Is anyone successfully using DA with WBEL?

If not, I'll start a test the end of this week or the beginning of next week.

blacknight said:

A lot depends on how DA sees things. Some software will look for the particular OS version information. If it doesn't recognise the tag it will b0rk.

DA only uses the (with redhat) /etc/redhat-release to determine the OS version... since that has the same info as the redhat version it downloads and uses the enterprise 3 rpms and compiles the rest as normal.... I cant see why it wont work... but untested at the moment ;)

DA only uses the (with redhat) /etc/redhat-release to determine the OS version... since that has the same info as the redhat version it downloads and uses the enterprise 3 rpms and compiles the rest as normal.... I cant see why it wont work... but untested at the moment

If we purchased a license for say Fedora will that still install on RHEL(WHEL) 3.0 or do we need to change anything?

Also, when will Fedora release 2 officially be supported?

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DA uses /etc/redhat-release to determine the *serives* OS. The DirectAdmin binary must still be set in the license itself on our system. (Just send us an email requesting to change the OS in the license)

Fedora 2 is out now, as BETA.

DA Working On CentOS 3.1

Just to confirm, I have DA currently working flawlessly on CentOS 3.1 (RHEL Clone). I've also done test installs on WhiteBox Enterprise Linux without any issues. The only change I had to make in both cases was to change the contents of /etc/redhat-release and put in the contents of an acutal RHEL box (I have two) so that DA would not freak out when it tried to install. Other than that, they are up and working great. I've also been updating both boxes with Yum as well, i'll try and post a how-to to configure Yum for each OS so that you won't break DA, with round-robin mirror retries and the proper exclude list.
No changes necessary for WBEL

Rob (and others),

DA has made some changes so DA for WBEL installs perfectly on WBEL without making any changes in advance.

Re: No changes necessary for WBEL

jlasman said:
Rob (and others),

DA has made some changes so DA for WBEL installs perfectly on WBEL without making any changes in advance.


Doesnt WBEL leave /etc/redhat-release there as rhel 3 anyway?

i'm sure it was there when i tested it previously..?