One to Many usr/db relationship


New member
Jan 29, 2004

Wonder if anyone can help. I am using a backup script to auto-backup multiple databases on the same account. I can't find a way to set up a one to many user relationship with the databases using DA so that the script can connect to each database in turn to perform the backup.

Clearly this should be perfectly possible but setting up a user on the first database precludes setting the same user on a second (user already exists) and I can't see a way of giving permissions on the second (or subsequent) databases to an existing user of the first.

Anyone know how to work around this one?


The DA login should be a 1-n relationship (1 to many) for mysql. The main login just isn't advertised.

The DA login should be a 1-n relationship (1 to many) for mysql. The main login just isn't advertised

I am not sure I understand what you mean by that.

If you are saying that any Db user on the account should be able to access any Db on the account, that doesn't appear to be the case.

Perhaps you could elucidate?

Login to the mysql database, but just use your DirectAdmin login/password instead. It has access on all of the database, unlike a regular databse user.

Hate to tell you this..but NO.. that doesn't work...

Tried to login to a set of databases using just the DA account admin id and password and it barked at me.

Litterly..I swear it went *woof*. :)

Seriously, that does not seem to work. I have to log in individually.