open_basedir problem


Verified User
Apr 16, 2006
Montreal, Canada
Apparently at some point DA started inserting the line:
php_admin_value open_basedir /home/username/:/tmp:/usr/local/lib/php/
into the reseller's httpd.conf virtualhosts entries whenever a new domain is created.

Older domains on the server don't have this inserted. So I spent 3 hours trying to figure out why a script (running in a symlinked folder) on one domain worked and the same script on a second domain didn't. I had to figure out the problem and then find the file that had to have that line removed. Kind of a pain in my butt.

open_basedir is off in php.ini and that's the way I want it set. And I really don't want to have to repeat the fix every time a domain is added to the server. I don't really know why DA is trying to control this PHP setting anyway.

So: Is there a way to stop this from happening in the future?

Go to Admin -> PHP SafeMode Configuration

Set 'Default Open BaseDir for new domains:' to off.

Check off all the existing domains you'd like to disable open_basedir for as well.

Restart httpd for good measure.