OpenBSD version of DA

From what I've seen.. most of the unix's are not too far apart, so in theory, it wouldn't be *that* hard. ... but... it would still take a large chunk of time, and we'd need yet another build system here ;) .. Debian is next on the list, so OpenBSD will have to wait it's turn ;)

Wowww... that would be awesome :-D Combined with the DA chroot/jail system, it'd be a rather secure setup :)

Thanks John!

PS... Every time you add a new OS to DA's list, does it mean that you have to code a different DA version for each OS? Or just bits n pieces?

Most of the DA code itself (for the binary) can stay the same. Things like quotas and process lists (/proc) had to change a bit for FreeBSD.. it wasn't perfect out of the box from RedHat to FreeBSD, but since most of it is just file editing, the code is pretty consistant. The installer and the services (exim etc) are the most time consuimg because all the paths and configs have to be changed.

My only question would be why?

When we already have DA running smoothly on your choice of RedHat or FreeBSD, why in the world should anyone waste time porting and then maintaining DA for another O/S. Without turning this into an O/S debate, I can't believe there's anything OpenBSD is going to do better over FreeBSD. Personally I'd rather see the DA team work on adding features and improving what we currently have, than waste time having to develop and test yet another O/S. I realise everyone has their preferences, but surely DA is about running hosting companies, and not about a bunch of little kids who run slackware on their 386dx at home and think it would be c00l to set up a hosting company running off their DSL connection? Then again, I have been wrong before...

Anyway, just my 5 cents on a feature de-quest.

My opinion is for right now, concentrate on those features which DA is lacking with its competition. It will take more resources and time adding more Operating Systems because of that fact that you may have to work on the same feature for each operating system since their not the same.

Personally I think FreeBSD is enough for the BSD line. OpenBSD is a "secure-by-default" server. The server is only as secure as you make it. Besides that, there is probably less of a market for those operating systems. Out of the three, FreeBSD is the most well balanced looking for performance and stability instead of only being so secure you lock yourself out of it (openbsd) or becoming Windows the Second (netbsd) :p
I agree lets see some features before we try porting to DA to every little kiddies os. If there were any OS to come next it should be SuSe as it is heavily used in europe.
But how many use it for webhosting?

And using which control panel?

DA is a small group; we can't expect them to spend a lot of energy developing new markets that don't otherwise exist.

Are there other control panels running on other BSDs? On SuSe Linux?
